One A Day Photo Project: April 8th – April 10th

(I’m taking a photo a day of whatever is interesting in my life in Beijing. For the story behind this project, please go to the first entry in the project.)

April 8

View of Beijing from Xiangshan

Ack, another day where I forgot my camera. This photo is actually from nearly a year ago, when I went for a yoga retreat in Xiangshan (the Fragrant Hills). The view of Beijing from Xiangshan, as you can see here, was amazing.

The guy in the photo was a model of responsible environmentalism; he saw some trash on the ground when we were walking around looking for a temple, and–this is the impressive part–he picked it up to later dispose of it properly.

April 9

Jianwai Soho at dusk

This was not a day where I forgot my camera, but I didn’t leave my house all day on account of a total lack of interest in doing so. Oh well. Next time I shall take a photo of the inevitable baking/cooking project that is undertaken on these stay-at-home days. A photo of the Jianwai Soho complex at dusk, from a day when I actually did go out.

April 10

Eerily Empty Subway

Back in action with camera in tow. Beijing is so crowded that when it isn’t filled with people, it’s rather eerie.

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4 Comments on "One A Day Photo Project: April 8th – April 10th"

  1. Linnéa
    11/04/2010 at 7:01 am Permalink

    Your blog makes not living in Beijing anymore a little more bearable, the homesickness a bit less acute. It’s also such a motivation to keep studying so I can go back asap. Thank you!

  2. fiona
    11/04/2010 at 11:50 am Permalink

    Thank you Linnéa. It’s great to hear that you are enjoying the blog! Good luck in your studies!

  3. Caroline
    12/08/2010 at 2:25 pm Permalink

    Hi, nice to meet you. I came here from lang-8, and I like your photo for Beijing. I’m a Chinese girl. I hope we can help each other in learning Chinese and English. My MSN:

  4. Meggie
    12/09/2010 at 10:47 am Permalink

    Love your blog…so fun and beautiful!

Hi Stranger, leave a comment:


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