cartoon graffiti

A few weeks ago, we were sashaying along the Third Ring Road, and we came across this series of funky cartoon animals spray-painted on empty advertising spaces. Maybe I just haven’t been hanging out in the right places, but most graffiti in Beijing consists of mobile numbers scribbled in random places. I was happy to snap some pics before the graffiti was “harmonized” by the city.

cartoon graffiti

cartoon graffiti

cartoon graffiti

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2 Comments on "cartoon graffiti"

  1. SK!T
    29/11/2008 at 8:46 am Permalink

    I like it.. Thier spot selections is good & u they took a good photo too. top stuff.


  1. [...] in December, we came across cartoon graffiti on the Third Ring Road.  When I was recently in the 798 ...

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