thumbgirl: the aesthetic of cute

卜算子 陌生的尘埃MV from ThumbGirl’s latest album, 伤花怒放

Based in Beijing but tracing its influences back to the UK’s Sarah Records, ThumbGirl (拇指姑娘) is China’s first tweepop band.  Like their name – a translation of Thumbelina – their sweet and gentle music evokes a child’s sense of wonder. This is a band that makes Belle and Sebastian look edgy.

ThumbGirl live in Beijing

You can listen to their music either at their charming website or on MySpace.

I first discovered ThumbGirl when my classmate’s band, The Big Picture, opened for them at a show.  Check out both bands!

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One Comment on "thumbgirl: the aesthetic of cute"

  1. Alice
    16/09/2009 at 1:31 am Permalink

    Hello Fiona
    I was looking up “record stores in beijing” on google and this is how I found your blog. I will be visiting Beijing for the first time in November (from Montreal Canada). Can you suggest any independent record stores or venues where I can check out some live shows?
    thank you!

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